Faculty of Buddhist Studies of NIIBS was established in 2020 with the sole intention of posturing the major Classical Traditions of Buddhism - Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana worldwide.
Applications are called from the qualified candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in Buddhist Studies Degree program conducted by the Faculty of Buddhist Studies of Nāgānanda International Institute for Buddhist Studies, for the academic year 2024/2025. Required Qualifications for Registration Should have passed 03 subjects in G.C.E. (Advanced Level) examination in one sitting OR Educational...Read More
The 4th convocation ceremony was ceremonially held on the 8th of December 2023 in the convocation hall at 1.00 p.m. After the graduates were made to sit in the auditorium, the Vice Chancellor and the Minister of Education together with the academic and non-academic staff arrived in the auditorium. After the traditional oil lamp was...Read More
Register Now According to psychology, phobia generally refers to unreasonable and illogical fear shown by someone towards something, someone and a place. Phobia is of several kinds. They are categorised as Simple Phobia, Social Phobia and Agora Phobia. According to our clinical reports, different types of phobia can be detected. Among them are exam and...Read More
The workshop on Preparing Research Papers was conducted on 27th October 2023 on Institute premises. Conducted by: Dr. Ruwanpathirana (PhD), Dip. In Clinical Phycology, Head of Counselling Psychotherapy Unit For more details please contact, Email: counseling@niibs.edu.lk T.P: 0112 904 674 / 0777 230 490Read More
Register Now According to psychology, phobia generally refers to unreasonable and illogical fear shown by someone towards something, someone and a place. Phobia is of several kinds. They are categorised as Simple Phobia, Social Phobia and Agora Phobia. According to our clinical reports, different types of phobia can be detected. Among them are exam and...Read More