Vibhajana is the Felicitation Academic Journal compiled in honour of Most Venerable Dr. Pallewela Sarada Thera, the newly appointed Anunāyaka of the Upcountry Amarapura Mahānikāya, Sri Lanka. The Pali term “vibhajana” refers to pristine analytical interpretation. “Vibhajana” is synonymously termed as paṭṭhāna in the Paṭṭhānamātikatthavaṇṇanā of the Abhidhammamātikāpāḷi. “Atha vā vibhajanaṭṭhena paṭṭhānaṃ. Yathā hi paññāpanā paṭṭhapanā vivaraṇā vibhajanā uttānīkammanti āgataṭṭhāne vibhajanaṭṭho paṭṭhānasaddasamānattho paṭṭhapanā…” (Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyanā Burmese Edition). Paṭṭhāna is the most profound doctrinal exposition in the Theravāda Abhdhamma. Accordingly, the word “paṭṭhāna” is considered to be a term of profundity.
This Academic Journal titled “Vibhajana” encompasses a host of outstanding articles on Pali, Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist culture, Buddhist counselling and other topics related to humanities and social sciences. Most Ven. Paṇdita Vidurapola Piyatissa Mahānāyaka Thera reckoned to be one of the remarkable scholars in the academic scope of Dhamma is a great prelate of the Up-country Amarapura Mahānikāya. Most Ven. Dr. Pallewela Sarada Anunāyaka Thera, conferred with this felicitation journal, is also a great prelate who fostered the perpetuity of the academic service rendered by the aforementioned Saṅgha tradition. Hence, this Felicitation Academic Journal is conferred by us on the most venerable Anunāyaka thera in memory of his new designation. May the radiance emanated from this meritorious academic work be a light to Ven. Dr. Pallewela Sarada Anunāyaka Thera!