Dean - Faculty of Buddhist Studies

Ven. Dr. Dampe Vijithrathana Thero

Ven. Dr. Dampe Vijithrathana Thero
Ven. Dr. Dampe Vijithrathana Thero
Dean - Faculty of Buddhist Studies
PhD in Asian Humanities (HFU, Taiwan R.O.C.), M.A. in Buddhist Studies (Yuan Kuang Buddhist Research Institute, Taiwan R.O.C.), M.A. in Buddhist Studies (BPU), B.A. (Hons.) in Sanskrit (USJ), Cert. in Teaching in Higher Education (USJ)

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Academic Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Asian Humanities (The Study of Tapas and Dhutaṅga Practice - from the Vedas to Early Buddhism), Graduate Institute of East Asian Humanities, Huafan University, Taiwan R.O.C.
  • Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies, Yuan Kuang Buddhist Research Institute, Taiwan R.O.C.
  • Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pali University, Sri Lanka.
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Sanskrit with a First Class, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.
  • Pracheena Pandit Degree, The Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka.
  • Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.
  • HSK (Level 6) Examination (Chinese Language Course), Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban).

Research Publications

  • The Study of Tapas and Dhutaṅga Practice-from the Vedas to Early Buddhism (PhD Thesis).
  • A Comprative Study of Bahudhātuka Sutta (Pali and Chinese) (M.A. Thesis).
  • සංස්කෘත ශිල්පග්‍රන්ථ සහ අනුරාධපුරයේ මහායාන ආරාම (B.A. Thesis) Editor.
  • Nagananda 2nd International Research Conclave on Buddhist Studies and Humanities (NIRCBSH) (NIRCBSH) - 2019.

Articles Published

  • වාස්තු විද්‍යා ශාස්ත්‍රයෙහි විස්තරවන ආසන බොරදම්පටිමා ප්‍රකාශනය, නන්දාරාම විහාරස්ථානය නිවුන්ගම, 2018.
  • How was the concept of the Buddha developed in Mahayana, according to the Saddharmapundarīka Sūtra (Published in Taiwan - 2010).
  • The Historical Background of the Buddhist Sects (Published in Taiwan - 2010).
  • 現 代 斯 里 蘭卡佛 教 教 育.
  • 佛 教 的「倫 理 觀」以《教授尸迦邏經》為中心.

Conference Chair

  • CHAIR; 1st Annual International Research Conference for Undergraduates (NIBSAIRCU) - 2018.
  • CHAIR; Nagananda 2nd International Research Conclave on Buddhist Studies and Humanities (NIRCBSH) - 2019.
  • CHAIR; Nagananda 1st International Conference on Psychology and Mental Health (ICPMH) - 2024.
  • CHAIR; Annual International Research Conference for Undergraduates (AIRCU) - 2024.
  • Co-CHAIR; SLABS 7th International Conference - 2024.

Publications (Books)

  • චීනභාෂා අධ්‍යයනය, නාගානන්ද ප්‍රකාශන, කැලණිය, 2018.
  • ශ්‍රී ශාක්‍යමුනීන්ද්‍රාවදාන මහාකාව්‍යය, නාගානන්ද ප්‍රකාශන, කැලණිය, 2018.
  • 印 度 的 苦 行 與 頭 陀 行 (Tapas and Dhutaṅga Practice in India), 台 北, (Taipei), 2017.

Assisted in Translating

  • Sinhala Translation of Bhikkhu Pātimokkha, Yuan Kuang Buddhist Research Institute Publication, Taiwan R.O.C. 2007.
  • Chinese Translation of Visuddhimagga, Geng xin printing, Taipei, 2011.